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Child Arrangements over the Christmas Period
The countdown to Christmas has officially begun, and although the festive period is a special time, for separated families this can bring added pressures and stress when trying to make arrangements for children.
It is understandable that you would want to spend as much time with your children over the Christmas period. We appreciate that making arrangements for your children can be difficult, and if communication has broken down, you may struggle to see a way forward.
Our dedicated family solicitors appreciate the complexities of family life and have ways to help resolve such conflict. We have put together some tips to consider in the run up to Christmas when you are trying to make plans for your children.
Free initial telephone options appointment
Our expert Family Law team are here to take the worry off your hands. We provide a free initial telephone options appointment to see how we can assist in your circumstances. Please call 0330 333 2613 for a no obligation, initial discussion, or email enquiries@elliotmather.co.uk and we will call you back.
How can you make arrangements over the Christmas period?
It’s never too early to starting making plans. Ensuring that you know what is happening in each household over the Christmas period is recommended to reduce conflict. Leaving it until the last minute can bring added pressure as emotions may be heightened.
Take the time to make a plan which works for both families, and try to do this during a time when you are both in the correct frame of mind to discuss your suggestions calmly.
It is not uncommon for separated or divorced parents to have difficulty communicating with one another, however, effective communication is vital to ensure that child arrangements over the Christmas period run smoothly. Choose what method of communication works best for you and your family, it could be: face-to-face, telephone, text message or email and discuss your thoughts openly and honestly. During this time, try to remain calm, although these discussions may be stressful, it is important to think about your children.
The key part to communication is listening to each other’s suggestions so that all points can be understood. Miscommunication of child arrangements can cause unintended upset and stress at Christmas, so if you are struggling to understand any points raised, it is important to ask for clarification.
If you believe a suggestion isn’t workable, explain the reason for this, and if necessary, make an alternative suggestion.
Think about the arrangements from your child’s perspective:
It is understandable that you will want to spend as much time as possible with your children over the Christmas period, however, it is important to try and imagine what the arrangements will feel like to the child/children. In this instance, compromise is a useful tool to ensure your children have an enjoyable Christmas.
Ensure the arrangements are workable:
Christmas is a busy time for us all and it is recommended that you think about how your arrangements will work on the day. Timings and travel arrangements are often a source of aggravation. Consider whether public transport or other transportation is available.
Inform family and friends:
Ensure family and friends are aware of your joint arrangements, and respect your decision making, as parents. Ask for their support to help ensure the arrangements are workable.
How we can help
At Elliot Mather we understand that no client’s circumstances are alike. Our specialised family solicitors will be able to offer clear and straightforward advice on a variety of child arrangement circumstances.
The level of help you would like from us is entirely up to you. Our team members are all experienced in advising individuals on their specific family circumstances.
Our Solicitors are able to provide expert advice across the country with a network of offices based in: Chesterfield, Nottingham, Mansfield, and Derby.
How to get in contact
Our team are on hand to help you and can assist wherever you are based. Please call us on 0330 333 2613 for a no-obligation, initial discussion or email enquiries@elliotmather.co.uk and we will call or email you back.

Julie Skill
LLP Member and Head of DepartmentSpecialism's
Julie has practised family law since 1989 and she is Head of Family Law based at Elliot Mather’s Chesterfield office.
Her interest in family law originated from 5 years working as a court clerk for Chesterfield County Court. Julie initially joined the firm as a paralegal before becoming a Member of the Institute of Legal Executives in 1994 and later qualifying as a solicitor.
Julie is also an accredited family mediator.
Julie advises on pre-nuptial agreements and if the worst happens and a relationship does fail, she handles all aspects of that relationship breakdown including issues relating to children, finances and domestic abuse in an efficient and practical manner.
A large proportion of Julie's workload comes from personal recommendations.
Areas of interest and experience
- Drafting thorough and comprehensive pre-nuptial or cohabitation agreements to provide for the unfortunate breakdown of relationships
- Acting for the husband or the wife in the breakdown of a marriage or civil partnership to agree an acceptable solution to issues of a financial nature including lump sums, property adjustment orders, pension sharing and attachment orders as well as maintenance (both for a spouse and children)
- Advising company directors, or their spouse, on the financial settlements – which are usually complicated by the requirement for a valuation of the business or director’s shareholding and pension rights
- Divorce or relationship breakdown, where there is substantial property holdings – often including properties overseas.
- Advising on the treatment of inherited assets in divorce, particularly in farming families where a farm may be jointly owned with siblings
- Supporting clients in situations of domestic violence
- Advising parents regarding arrangements for their children including where the children should live and how much time they should spend with the other parent.
- Advising parents where either they or their former partner want to take children to live either outside or England and Wales or elsewhere in the UK.
Professional memberships & pro bono
Julie is a Resolution accredited specialist solicitor in the areas of financial provision, private law children work and domestic abuse and an accredited family mediator. Resolution (www.resolution.org.uk) campaigns for the improvement of family law and the family justice system and is committed to developing and promoting the highest standards of practice.
Julie is listed as a Leading Lawyer by Wiselaw

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