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Glossary of Terms

The person making a claim
The opposition in a claim
Another term for a Barrister
Litigant in person
A person in a case who has no legal representation
Early Conciliation
A free service provided by ACAS to help people attempt to reach settlement without the need for Tribunal Proceedings. This service must be usdd before a dl>im can be made in an Employment Tribunal
The form used to start a claim in the Employment Tribunal
The form used to set out the defence against a claim in the Employment Tribunal
Schedule of loss
A document setting out a Claimant’s financial losses, such as wages and pension, which is used to work out how much a claim is worth
List of documents
A document listing all of the documents a Claimant or Respondent wishes to use in their case
Joint bundle
A set of agreed documents which have been indexed and paginated for use at a hearing
Witness statement
A Claimant or Respondent’s chronological account of events
List of issues
A document setting out the key issues of a case
A document setting out a timeline, for example leading up to dismissal of an employee, setting out any issues that may have occurred
Cast list
A list of people who are involved in the case
Case Management Order
A type of order which sets out when different things should be done by, for example, exchanging witness statements
Unless Order
A type of order which, when made, requests that a party perform an action (such as providing documents) by a certain time or their claim/defence or part of it may not be allowed to go ahead
Deposit Order
A type of order which, when made, requires a party to pay an amount of money to proceed with their claim/defence where it is the Tribunalds opinion tdl> the case may not be successful
Preliminary Hearing
A hearing held (either at an Employment Tribunal or by telephone with an Employment Judge) to deal with issues arising from a claim
Final Hearing
The hearing at which the Claimant and Respondent put their cases forward and a decision is made by an Employment Judge
Remedy Hearing
A hearing held after the Final Hearing to determine how much a successful Claimant should be awarded

Our Team

Hannah Fairweather

Hannah Fairweather

LLP Member and Head of Department
Peter Kidd

Peter Kidd

Senior Associate Solicitor
Evie McCormick

Evie McCormick


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